Sisu: A Gripping Tale of Survival and Revenge in Wartime Finland
“Sisu,” directed by Jalmari Helander and released in 2023, is an action-packed film set in the final days of World War II in northern Finland. The story centers on Aatami Korpi, a former soldier turned prospector, who discovers a cache of gold in the desolate Lapland wilderness. As Aatami attempts to transport his newfound wealth to the city, he encounters a retreating Nazi battalion led by the ruthless SS officer Bruno Helldorf. What follows is a relentless and violent pursuit, with Aatami using his formidable skills to fend off the Nazis and protect his gold at all costs.
The film, shot in the remote and visually striking landscapes of Lapland, captures the harsh, war-torn environment with a gritty realism. The cinematography by Kjell Lagerroos emphasizes the barren, cratered land, with scenes of burnt-out villages and bodies hanging from telephone poles, evoking a sense of a land ravaged by conflict. The film’s aesthetic is a powerful backdrop to the intense and often brutal action sequences that define Aatami’s journey.
“Sisu” stands out for its minimalistic dialogue and reliance on visual storytelling. Jorma Tommila’s portrayal of Aatami is marked by a stoic and almost mythical presence, with his determination and resilience driving the narrative forward. The film’s depiction of violence is both graphic and stylized, drawing comparisons to Quentin Tarantino’s work. Despite its dark themes, “Sisu” manages to infuse moments of dark humor and absurdity, which adds a layer of entertainment to the relentless carnage.
Critically, “Sisu” has been well-received for its raw energy and unapologetic embrace of its action genre roots. On Rotten Tomatoes, it holds a high rating, praised for its straightforward and exhilarating approach to storytelling. Critics have noted its effectiveness in blending historical elements with exaggerated action, making it a unique entry in the war film genre. The film’s success is also reflected in its box office performance, grossing over $14 million worldwide, and its strong showing in film festivals.
Overall, “Sisu” is a gripping tale of survival and revenge, set against the stark and hauntingly beautiful backdrop of wartime Finland. It combines historical context with over-the-top action, creating a film that is both thought-provoking and wildly entertaining.